Https security tool safeguard for Facebook making it more secure and reliable Facebook provides https
connection as a security tool for users to safeguard them from being hacked. A
secure connection through the https gateway prevents hackers from
hacking and spies from eavesdropping.

Facebook is now allowing all its
users to encrypt their entire
Facebook usage. It is mainly done
to stop hackers and other
persons to hack any information
that is sent or received from Facebook. This is done to
safeguard the Facebook user’ s public profiles after the public
page of Mark Zuckenberg
(Founder of Facebook) was
hacked. This news was released by the
blog of the Palo Alto Company,
Calif. This encryption facility can
be used by adding “https” as a prefix on the internet address
slot in your browser as shown in
the picture above. This would
make sure that your entire
session is encrypted. This encryption will also stop
identity theft or hijacking of
accounts using Firesheep or
other tools used for snooping.
These snooping tools works by
receiving the data sent or received from a Facebook
account after the user have
logged in. This encryption may
take a few weeks to be available
to all users. The major
disadvantage of the encryption is that Facebook would be slower
and it would not support any
3rd party apps. Facebook team
is currently working to solve
these two problems. It is expected that this
encryption would be a default
setting of Facebook as Google
did on its Gmail. Also Facebook is
expected to take additional
steps to prevent attempts of site impersonation. It is indicated
that Facebook would use
“extended validation” as an additional layer of Security. Also Facebook would ask users
to identify pictures of their
friends if it suspects that the
account has been hacked. This is
done to prove that the user is
the rightful owner of that profile. These steps would
hopefully be implemented within
a few weeks. The spies and hackers which
have so often boasted on the
net that they can hack facebook
accounts would now find it really
hard to do so. With a secure
HTTPS internet connection there will be no room for
eavesdropping software to
intercept your input data, no
hacker will be able to spy upon
whatever text you send when
the HTTPS connection is in use. This new security implementation
is a boost for privacy conscious
facebook users, especially high-
profile folks which include
celebrities and national leaders.