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Trace Detect and catch hacker Simple method which can trace, detect and catch hacker as well as send real time update of hack detection
Hacking is something complicated to replicate but easy to understand. Its nothing more than getting access to carry out any task which is against the allowed permission. The tack can be creating, editing or deleting data, and may even further go up-to manipulation of data to accomplish own goal. A hacker is not a god sent or devil commissioned entity, lets just keep that debate to the religious clergy. The truth is that a hacker is the same average individual just like you and me, the only difference in existence is that he knows more about system loopholes while we know more about system functionality.
The problem with dynamic web is that we try to receive data from users, we do not just receive data, but we store it, execute it and publish it on our dynamic pages. This exchange of data in two directions gives ample opportunity for a hacker to push in an illegitimate code which is pushed in with the malicious intent to cause harm to the data center or at-least a part of it. Tracing, Detecting and Catching a hacker is however an easy turf, but only as long if the site owner knows why and how. A trace is something akin to zeroing on a person, a detect is something like cleansing data and checking it for bad content before the data is pushed to data centers, a catch is something which happens very rarely but its important to catch hackers for heinous hacking deeds which may cause inconvenience to thousands of users.
Tracing a Hacker is easy if and only if the hacker is not hiding behind many proxies. Server data such as browser user agent, Internet protocol, host-name, proxy IP etc can be detected which are meant to be crucial data against a hacker and is /her act of hacking.
Detecting a hack and making a real time update about it is very important especially if the data that is meant to be protected is confidential. Download the below linked php anti- mysql db insert ( anti sql injection script) and follow the even below mentioned guidelines.
Download Catch-Hackers.txt
Installation Steps: 1) Download the file and change the extension from .txt to .php 2) use PHP include function and include this file in all the PHP pages where data is inserted or called upon by a query. 3) The script will then look out for bad code and sanitize it. 4) The script will also send a real time update about the concerned hack attempt.
Catching a hacker is a long legal process, i.e after one gets hacker details. The tools used by hacker for the purpose of hacking give out tid bits of info about him / her but are not the most perfect or reliable data source. Prevention is better than cure, hence its better to build robust, very difficult to hack sites. Follow the discussed simple method which can trace, detect and catch hacker as well as get send real time updates and keep yourself informed for better reasons.